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Air Raid Wardens Whistle was used for attracting attention.
These whistles were issued to every warden during the 2nd World War, after the Home Office had pestered the Treasury to provide one per warden for reasons of hygiene. It was finally agreed, allowing the warden to carry one at all times.
The warning could be reinforced by sharp blasts on the whistle, these would not be continued after the public appeared to have heard the warning, or they may have caused undue alarm.
The whistle was later used by Fire Guards with a series of sharp blasts, to signal the fall of incendiary bombs.
Your comments:
- Being a `messenger` in the A.R.P. later Civil Defence, we were issued
with this type of whistle.Being worn on the end of our yellow lanyards
on the left shoulder.
One thing that must be remembered, is that boys of my age 14/15, were out in all air raids, patrolling the streets, getting people to `put that light out`. Cycles only used when communications broke down.
.......... Alfred Smith., Chatham, Kent., 3rd of January 2012
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