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The following text is attached to the back of the frame.
The Flag was presented to a my father in 1935 by Mathias Eder, son of the Wagenbauer. He had served on the ''Prinz Eugen'' during the First World War.
The Eder family came originally from Bohemia and later settled in Bautzen, near my fathers house. Mathias Eder had actually served in the Austro-Hungarian Navy. His father kept the flag and passed it on to me for safe keeping whilst he was in the navy during the Second World War. In his opinion such a souvenir was better in my possession.
Details from the Navy Year Book 1977.''Prinz Eugen'' Launched 1912. Displacement 20,000 tonnes. Speed 20.5 k.p.h. Crew 1046 Armament 12 X 305mm, 12 X 150mm 18 X 75mm 2 X 47mm 4 X torpedo There were three other 'Ships of the Line' of this type; ''SZENT OSTVAN', ''TEGERHOFF' and 'VIRIBUS UNITIS'
The researcher of the Austro-Hungarian Navy said that the Szent Istvan was sunk by the Italian Navy but there was no concrete evidence as to the fate of the Prinz Eugen. One source said that it had been abandoned in the Turkish harbour/port, whilst another said that it was given to Italy under the 'Treaty of Versailles'. Initialled K.D.G. Text translated from the German.
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