View all Gas Masks
Gas Mask issued to all personnel during and before WW2. Complete with 'Rexine' vanity cover for the box.
This item was donated by Mrs Evans and it has her name written inside the cover.
Your comments:
- As a girl (14) in boarding school in Hertfordshire, north of London, in England, I was issued with a gas mask in 1938 - along with all the other girls and teachers.
It was announced that we should wear them in class for 15 minutes once a week, to get used to them - teacher included. Far from being grim, it was hilarious. Inhaling was fine, but each exhale produced a - Vulgar noise. Everybody, teacher and all, got the giggles. The window tended to fog up, as well.
The masks had to be carried everywhere in a little bag.
.......... Elaine Good, Doylelstown, PA. USA, 16th of February 2012
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